DA’s Renaldo Gouws in racism, homophobic scandal – petition wants him out

Videos of DA MP Renaldo Gouws spewing racist and homophobic comments has gone viral - now a petition for his sacking is gaining momentum.

DA’s Renaldo Gouws in racism, homophobic scandal – petition wants him out

Just days after being sworn in as a DA member of parliament (MP), several racially charged and homophobic videos of Renaldo “Ngamla” Gouws have emerged.

In it, the outspoken social media commentator shared his views on black South Africans. He also seemingly mocked a clip of an African praise singer.


On Sunday, 16 June – a day South Africans commemorate Youth Day – several clips of DA MP Renaldo Gouws trended on the X platform.

In one of them – reportedly taken in 2008 – Renaldo says: “People say it was bad back in Apartheid. White people in this country are going through reverse Apartheid. Say whatever the f**k you want, black people were beaten and killed. What has changed? Today, white people are beaten, killed, and discriminated against. What’s the f**king difference?

He continued: “Call me a racist if you want. You come and live in this f**king country, and you are a white individual. You are discriminated against and blamed for things that happened in the past. Even though I had no f**king hand in it.”

In another clip, Renaldo Gouws says: “If Africa had to disappear off the face of the earth, no one would f**king notice.”

In a recent clip of his commentary of the State of The Nation, Renaldo seemingly mocked a praise singer who introduced President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Another clip reveals Renaldo calling black student protestors “thugs.”


Speaking to TimesLive in 2020, Renaldo Gouws—then a ward councillor in Nelson Mandela Bay—seemingly apologised for his words, which he claimed were his reaction to politicians singing the struggle song Kill The Boer.

He said: “I do regret using such colourful language. But I suppose it was the sheer frustration of having to listen to Zuma and Malema singing the song.”

“I have matured a lot since then, considering I was 25 years old at the time. And with age and becoming more mature, you realise that screaming and shouting and using colourful language achieves nothing,”

At the time, DA national spokesperson Solly Malatsi said that Gouw’s views were his own and did not reflect the party,


In the midst of the viral videos, a petition to sack Renaldo Gouws as DA MP has gained momentum.

The Change.org petition was started by Kimberly Jones, who accused Renaldo of “threats and racially charged comments” that “are a direct affront to our democratic values and the harmony of our diverse society.”

Part of it read: “South Africa, a nation that has been wracked by the pain of apartheid, has no place or tolerance for such divisive sentiments. Particularly from a Parliamentary member who ought to be a promoter of unity.

“We implore the Parliament of South Africa to reconsider the membership of Mr Renaldo Gouws and set a strong precedent against racism. Let’s press for a Parliament that is truly representative of our democratic values and aspirations.”

At the time of publishing, the petition has receieved over 25 000 signatures.


On the X app, the petition has been shared by many South Africans, including celebrities like DJ Sbu and Ntsiki Mazwai.

Dan Corder—a former 5FM presenter who now hosts an eNCA show—also tweeted a video of Renaldo Gouws making a homophobic slur.

“Renaldo is a homophone, too,” he tweeted.

Political parties also weighed in.

Action SA’s Herman Mashaba tweeted: “This man is a real embarrassment to our country and its people. 

“@Action4SA  members in Parliament are going to take this matter up through our constitutional privileges. No way we are going to allow our taxes to be paid to such divisive characters.”

EFF’s Carl Niehaus posted: “This racist pig must just voets”k! He must immediately be removed from the National Assembly!